Configure Farm Servers


Connection Authorization Policies. "Who is allow to connect?"

This is done on the RD Broker server

This is who can connect in.  After adding an RDWeb server, it added other general groups. In this example, I have locked it down to our Vendors and IT deparment

2018-03-09 12_46_10-crhrdpvendors - Remote Desktop Connection

Resource Authorization Policies " and to What?"

This is to illustrate where to actually "allow" users to get too

2018-03-09 12_46_46-crhrdpvendors - Remote Desktop Connection

Setting the Servers for the Farm (place #1)

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Put in the all servers for this farm. If you don't, you'll get a message below

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Add Farm members to the Farm Config (Another Place)

Click on Server (Local) properties

Click on "View RD Gateway server farm members"

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Add your servers to this farm.

Ensure that the Status is OK.

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Unreachable Host in RDS Farm

Make sure that you have RD Gateway Role installed on that particular server

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