Deployment Properties


Complete these settings to configure/confirm your Deployment

2018-03-04 13_26_18-crhrdpgateway - Remote Desktop Connection

RD Gateway

Put in your external FQDN here. Bypass RD Gateway seems to lesson issues

** Microsoft recommends this to be on. Putting in the troubleshooting section for things to try.

2018-03-04 13_26_58-crhrdpgateway - Remote Desktop Connection

RD Licensing

Put in your license server. Must have licenses for your Server edition. For example, you need 2016 CALs for a 2016 RDSH server

2018-03-04 13_27_42-crhrdpgateway - Remote Desktop Connection

In Active Directory, make sure that Network Service and your RDS License server is in this group:  Terminal Server License Servers

2018-05-05 11_18_26-Windows 2008 R2 - DC [Running] - Oracle VM VirtualBox


Make sure you have a Trusted Cert

2018-03-04 13_28_20-crhrdpgateway - Remote Desktop Connection

Certificate - IIS

Go into IIS and for the site and go into Server Certificates
Add Your Certificate (wildcard perhaps?)

2018-03-29 19_05_13-Clipboard

Then in Default Web Site, Bind your certificate to port 443

2018-03-29 19_07_09-Work - - Remote Desktop Connection

Drop down SSL certificate

2018-03-29 19_07_48-Work - - Remote Desktop Connection